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Order your taxi in Felanitx, Mallorca | Taxi Barceló

Cala Serena

Cala Serena is a beach located in the municipality of Felanitx, 14 km from Porto Colom. It is also known as Calò de les Dones.

It is barely 20 meters long and has soft, white sand. The sea is clean and has shades ranging from blue to turquoise and emerald. The bottoms are quite deep and sandy, it is ideal for lovers of diving.

The cove is located in a bay bounded by rocky cliffs covered in pine trees. The reefs also have numerous small caves, some of which can be visited.

Cala Serena, an area to enjoy a day at the beach.

Programa Kit Digital, iniciativa del Gobierno de España. Cofinanciado por los Fondos Next Generation EU del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia. Kit Digital

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